Menus, Benefits, and How to Obtain Tax Facilities


Thursday, 21 July 2022

Activity Time:
Start from 09.30 s.d 15.30

1st Floor, Training Room DDTC Academy, Menara DDTC

Rp2.500.000   (price include VAT)


  1. B. Bawono Kristiaji, S.E., M.S.E., M.Sc. IBT., ADIT :Partner of DDTC Fiscal Research and Advisory
  2. Denny Vissaro, S.E., M.S.E., M.A., ADIT : Manager of DDTC Fiscal Research and Advisory
  3. Lenida Ayumi, S.IP., M.E. : Researcher of  DDTC Fiscal Research

Topics Covered:

  • Tax Incentive Regime: Type and Benefits
    • Tax Holiday
    • Investment Allowance
    • Supertax Deduction
    • Accelerated Depreciation
    • Special Tax Treatment for Specific Sectors/Taxpayers
  • Tax Facilities related to UU HPP and UU Cipta Kerja: 
    • Dividend Facility
    • Reduced Corporate Tax Rate
    • Expatriate Tax Regime
    • Foreign Dividend Exemption
    • VAT Incentives
  • Other Fiscal Incentives: Location-Based Incentives, Customs & Excise and Local Taxes
  • Eligibility to Obtain Tax Facilities
  • Administrative Aspects and Online Single Submission (OSS)
  • Audit Issues
  • Recent Developments and Future Direction

Thursday, 21 July 2022 

09.30 - 15.30 WIB 

Price for Onsite Class: Rp2.500.000

*VAT already included

Limited Participants!

Free Book!

“Susunan Dalam Satu Naskah Undang-Undang perpajakan Edisi 2022”

What will you get?

  • Buku cetak terbitan DDTC berjudul "Susunan Dalam Satu Naskah Undang-Undang Perpajakan Edisi 2022";
  • Modul materi cetak;
  • Studi kasus dan diskusi;
  • Sesi tanya jawab interaktif;
  • Sertifikat;
  • Akses ke DDTC Library;
  • Goodiebag and training kit;
  • Morning coffee;
  • Makan siang

Hotline DDTC Academy:

(+62)812-8393-5151 (Vira)