Exclusive Transfer Pricing Webinar: Facing Transfer Pricing Compliance in 2022 and Dispute Prevention through Advance Pricing Agreement (APA)


Friday, 19 November 2021

Activity Time:

Via Zoom Online Meeting

Rp800.000   (price include VAT)

Special rate* for DDTC’s client: Rp600.000 and
Client Reference: Rp700.000
We would confirm the fee rate through email within 2 days for payment.


Aside from being a challenge for multinational companies, the Covid-19 pandemic situation has also changed transfer pricing practices. This situation is relevant with the obligation of taxpayers conducting affiliated transactions to complete transfer pricing documentation FY 2021 and prepare transfer pricing documentation FY 2022 using ex-ante approach. 

To prevent transfer pricing disputes, taxpayers also have the option to apply for an Advance Pricing Agreement (APA) mechanism. On the other hand, it is interesting to discuss the transfer pricing aspect in the update of the domestic and global tax landscape such as the Harmonized Taxation Law (UU HPP) and the OECD Two Pillar Solution addressing digital economy taxation.

Topics Covered: 

  • TP Documentation FY2021: implication of COVID-19 Pandemic;
  • Preparing TP Documentation FY2022: ex-ante approach;
  • Building TP Control Framework: the way forward;
  • The Harmonized Tax Law (UU HPP) and Its Implications on Transfer Pricing;
  • The OECD Two-Pillar Solution to Address Tax on the Digitalization of the Economy and Its Relevance with Transfer Pricing;
  • TP Dispute Prevention: mechanism of Advance Pricing Agreement (APA).


Romi Irawan, S.E., M.B.A., LL.M Int. Tax.

Partner, Transfer Pricing Services DDTC

Muhammad Putrawal Utama, S.E.

Assistant Manager, Transfer Pricing Services DDTC

Opening Speech:

Darussalam, S.E., Ak., CA., M.Si., LL.M Int. Tax. 

Managing Partner DDTC


Adinda Nur Larasati, S.E., B.Comm

Human Resource Business Partner