Free Live Webinar: Tax Assurance Reviews to Manage Potential Tax Risks and Request of Information (SP2DK)

Free Events

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Activity Time:
10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

Live streaming via ZOOM ONLINE MEETING


The complexities of transactions, data, tax regulations and tax audit plans are the perfect combination that could affect the level of assurance of tax compliance of a company. This webinar is intended to provide insights on the approach and techniques that could be adopted by a company in advance to increase level of assurance of tax compliance. 

Topics Covered: 

  1. Tax risk control and governance
  2. Examples of tax compliance assurance checklists
  3. Examples of TP compliance assurance checklists
  4. Guidance on tax compliance testing using ERP
  5. Guidance and case study of substantive testing of transaction
  6. Guidance on how to build procedures and working paper to compute taxable income from accounting results
  7. Guidance on how to review and respond to DGT Request of Information (SP2DK)
  8. Action plan to govern, manage and mitigate tax compliance risks


David Hamzah Damian

Partner, Tax Compliance & Litigation Services DDTC

R. Herjuno Wahyu Aji

Senior Manager, Tax Compliance & Litigation Services DDTC

Opening Speech:


Managing Partner DDTC


Lenida Ayumi

Tax Researcher, DDTC Fiscal Research